Bad Dream Catcher

If you own a dream catcher and for whatever reason you may want to get rid of it you may wonder what is the best way to get rid of it. Now as the dream catcher has been used to catch nightmares you may want to make sure you dispose of it correctly.

Whatever the size or form of the dream catcher, bad dreams are intended to be caught in the net, while good dreams slip through the dreamer. Cath Oberholtzer Sleep, baby sleep, whispers spirit of the woods as big sister weaves a dream net on a little willow hoop. The dream catcher is meant to filter the bad ideas of society from the good, leading the people to achieve their dreams and visions. During the Pan-Indian movement of the late 20th century, when many tribes of indigenous peoples sought unity for cultural stability, the dream catcher became widely associated with many different Native tribes.


There are two methods that are best recommended to get rid of your dream catcher, cleansing it by leaving it in the sun for a day or burning it to burn all the bad dreams caught up in the past few weeks, months or even years.

Cleansing your dream catcher

Probably the easiest and best way to dispose of your dream catcher is to hang it in the sun light outside for over 4 hours which will kill off all the evil spirits. This was used by the founding tribe of dream catchers who actually did this to get rid of bad spirits in the dream catcher. This works by emptying your dream catcher and can actually be the most effective method and I would also recommend doing this if you are also planning to keep your dream catcher as well as if you buy a new one.

Should you burn your dream catcher after you used it

If you have used your dream catcher for a while you may not exactly want to just throw it in the trash as if you do this and it gets broken all the bad dreams and nightmares are released back into the world and will be able to effect other peoples dream as well as yours. The tribe who began using dream catchers actually began to burn dream catchers if they became damaged. They did this to get rid of the evil spirits and is not the most practical method if you live in an apartment or don’t want to be seen burning your dream catcher. However you can find out if your dream catcher will go to an incinerator or a land fill by looking at your states local trash collection website.

Will burying a dream catcher work?

Probably not! If you are looking to dispose of a dreamcatcher properly the only two ways are burning it or cleansing it. If you bury the dream catcher the dreams will remain there and although the bad dreams can not effect you still, chances are that somewhere in the future that dream catcher will either get dug up, eaten by bugs or decay leading to it begin damaged and thus will release the bad dreams into the world.

Bad Dream Meanings

Bad Dream Catcher

What you shouldn’t do

Dream Catcher Bad Luck

The things you shouldn’t do when getting rid of your dream catcher is to just throw it in the trash. At a minimum you should cleanse it before throwing it out. You also do not want to cut it up, damage it or break it in any way as mentioned this will cause the bad dreams to be released again and as they are your dreams will likely come back to haunt you and cause nightmares.

Bad Dream Story

Another thing that I would advise against doing is giving away your dream catcher or selling it. The reason you do not see many used dream catchers for sale is for the reason that you will have no control of it once it is sold. The person who buys it from you may damage it or not dispose of it correctly and if it has a number of your nightmares stored on it they could potentially release them.